Oh shit, one moreRobin Kastengren1 min readIn person therapy at 1 to help with the terror of having to relive the next 20 years in my brain like I have the last 20.And Eric is a whole adult who knows how to dial 911 so there's no need for any ants to come digging.
In person therapy at 1 to help with the terror of having to relive the next 20 years in my brain like I have the last 20.And Eric is a whole adult who knows how to dial 911 so there's no need for any ants to come digging.
Eric’s Final ThoughtsIt has been a terrifying five months, I will admit. I know much more now at the ass end of this than I ever thought I did in the 15 years...
When I was 8, my mom let my dad lie about me. She let him take away my speech therapy and put me in a class I couldn’t keep up with. It was a good idea since we had to go to school...
Ray? Could You Close the Door?Dave Matthews once said, “Keep the Big Door open. Everyone will come around.” Yes, I’m beginning my goodbye letter with a Dave Matthews...